Environment variables

This package lets you define enum-style classes to access your environment variables, with type annotation and optional default values.

The most straight-forward way of defining your class is to wrap it with the environment_variable function:

from environment_variables import environment_variables

class Environment:
    MY_VARIABLE: str
    MY_INTEGER: int
    MY_FEATURE_FLAG: bool = False

When you access the class attributes, the class will automatically check your system for an environment variable of the same name and return its value cast to the annotated type. If the environment variable is not set but a default value has been set, that default value will be returned instead.

>>> class Environment:
...     MY_VARIABLE: str = 'some default string'
>>> Environment.MY_VARIABLE
'some system string'

If an environment variable is not set, and the class attribute does not have a default value, then an EnvironmentVariableError will be raised.

Indices and tables